Holiday Letter 2023

Happy Holidays!

Was last year’s Statucki Holiday Letter too long for your liking?  Well, we have bad news for you:  this year’s letter is even longer.  The good news is that we prepared an abridged version for your convenience: 

Craig and Tina still live in Carson City, but now have a camper van to travel in. Craig continues to work for the Nevada Department of Education and is on a mission to find a geocache for 366 consecutive days. Tina finally retired, but now has six part-time jobs in addition to her many hobbies. Tazia still lives in DC with her two cats, still works at the SEC, and is now a part-time graduate student. Quinton and Zoey are happily engaged and you probably are not invited to their wedding next year. The newlyweds, Lavonne and Dennis, did not write their own holiday letter, so Tazia wrote a section for them.

Without further ado, here is the unabridged version of the 2023 Statucki Holiday Letter:

Craig & Tina

Every year I (Craig) say this is going to be the last letter. We have two adult children who are more than capable of sending their own holiday letter and now we have to add two more adults to this letter? This is definitely going to be the final holiday letter.

This was a busy year at work for me as I spent the first six months serving as an Interim Deputy Superintendent at the Nevada Department of Education. It was a great experience, but I would have preferred to play Interim Deputy in a non-legislative session year. The unintended perk of working and traveling so much is that I have now reached Companion status on Southwest and Tina can fly with me anywhere for $11; she is a cheap date for those trips. I returned to my position as Director after the legislative session ended and happy to be back to my career and technical education world. In more important news, I found my 5000th geocache this summer while we were traveling back from Minnesota. I am also currently on a streak of finding at least one geocache a day for the last 180 days. This is not an easy feat when living in a small town, but my goal is to reach 366 consecutive days.

Tina retired in August after a long and storied career in education. I still have a long way to go until I can retire, so I am forcing Tina to work as an independent contractor in order to save money so that I can retire early. Tina’s post-retirement gigs include doing her old job at the Department of Education until the end of January, serving as the Nevada ACTE executive director, working for the Carson City School District as an external auditor, and working for three colleges including the best university in Nevada – UNLV. Did I mention that the Fremont Cannon is painted red? Working so many jobs has cut into Tina’s crafting time, but she still manages to make the treasures she finds at estate sales into great home decorations. Once she gives up one or two of her side jobs, she should really get her camera, start filming her craft projects, and post them to YouTube. She could certainly add interior design influencer to her resume. Plus, it probably pays more than most jobs.

Tina and I have done a lot of travel for work. I think that I have been to Las Vegas about 6 or 7 times in the last year and tried to visit friends when I could, but most trips were flying down and back on the same day. In April, we traveled for work to Fargo, North Dakota. I realize that Fargo doesn’t sound exciting, but Tina won Best Drama Queen at the conference and we got to see her cousin Barbie as well. I went to Phoenix for a work trip in May and we both went to Phoenix again in December for the national ACTE conference (more updates on that in the 2024 holiday letter). We also went to Elko, Nevada in November for a work trip but took time to have dinner and catch up with my friend Eric from high school and his wife Andrea. We just got back last week from a short work trip to Vegas as well.

I’m sure that hearing about our exciting work lives is why you read this letter year after year, but for those of you who want to know about our vacations, the next few paragraphs are for you. When we last left you in 2022, we were headed to Colorado for Christmas. Tazia joined us and we got to spend some time with my family and Quinton, Zoey, and Banks (see below). In March, Tina flew to Washington, DC to attend a conference and extended her stay with Tazia. Instead of staying in DC, the two of them went on their second “Girl’s Trip” and went to Paris. They are both still alive, so it probably went well. There were also huge riots in Paris during their visit but people in France apparently know how to protest without destroying property, looting businesses, or pretending or not pretending to be insurrectionists. 

This summer resulted in multiple Griswold family vacation trips. I think that I need to start calling them the Griswold Empty Nesters vacations, but it doesn’t quite flow off the tongue. Just prior to our first trip, we lost Silver unexpectedly and quickly. He was a fantastic member of the family and the house is much quieter without him repeatedly trying to get us to take him outside or to the river. While we miss Silver and having a four-legged friend on our adventures, we did not go out and adopt another dog; Silver is irreplaceable.  

We headed to the Virkus family reunion/Lavonne’s wedding in Minnesota with stops in Dinosaur National Monument, Denver to see Quinton and Zoey, and Loveland to visit my parents. Rather than going directly to Lavonne’s wedding and the Virkus Family Reunion, I found a National Park Edition Winnebago Travato “near” the wedding location. Near is a relative term since I once made Tina travel four hours out of the way to find the world’s oldest, active geocache, but 45 minutes is relatively near in my playbook. After some back-and-forth, we became the new owners of a camper van. Fortunately or unfortunately, the van was not ready before we had to return to Carson City, which meant that another trip to Minnesota was in our future. After a fun time at the wedding and reunion, we drove back to Carson City. but not without stopping at several gigantic sculptures on the Enchanted Highway in North Dakota. I really did not want to look at sculptures, but Tina promised there would be geocaches at each of them, so I begrudgingly agreed to the detour.

We would have spent more time on the road, but we had to attend the annual Nevada ACTE Summer Conference in Lake Tahoe – since that is one of Tina’s side hustles. Our annual trip up to the lake was different this year because our friend Mark from Montana came to the conference and stayed a couple of days with us. We probably ran him ragged by driving around Lake Tahoe, hiking the Donner Tunnels, and attending the Carson City concert series. Hopefully, he will come back for another visit.

The second trip to Minnesota was already on Tina’s schedule as she was going to attend Barbie and Andrew’s wedding. I was not originally planning on attending, but I think allowing me to buy a camper van was Tina’s and Barbie’s ploy to get me to take some more vacation time. Andrew and Barbie graciously agreed to pick up the van from the dealer, fix some things on it, and meet us in the Minneapolis area for our first van trip. Our second drive home from Minnesota in less than a month was quite the adventure. Our first overnight stay was outside of Devil’s Tower in Wyoming. Since we are early birds, we beat the crowds at Devil’s Tower, hiked around it, and I found my 5000th geocache. I know what you are thinking. The camper van life is glorious when you are always staying outside of national parks, geocaching whenever you want, and not stopping to make lunch; however, on the second night of our trip we literally pulled over in a rest area between two semi trucks, put up the blinds, and took a short nap before heading home.

We took a couple of months off from leisure traveling because I was busy traveling for work, but in November, we took our next road trip with the van. It took us that long to get back on the road due to a mechanical issue and the dreaded supply chain shortage excuse for parts. Why is there still a supply chain shortage? The pandemic is over and if these dang Gen Z kids would just go to work, Tina’s Amazon purchases would show up in hours and not just the next day. Nevertheless, it finally got fixed and we traveled down the eastern Sierras in California to Manzanar National Historic Site, which used to be an internment camp in World War II for Japanese-Americans. We also visited the Museum of Western Film History in Lone Pine and had our first off-road van experience to explore the beautiful Alabama Hills. The Alabama Hills are famous for being where westerns and modern-day classics are filmed. By modern-day classics, I mean Iron Man and Tremors. Tina and I hiked around the area and re-enacted our favorite scenes from Tremors; I can jump pretty far for an old man if I think a gigantic alien worm is chasing me.

We spent Thanksgiving in Colorado (thanks to my Southwest Companion status and Tina’s hotel travel points) to visit my family, Quinton, and Zoey. I’d like to point out that my parents don’t think we visit very often and we went there three times in 2023. While we were there, Tina desperately wanted to see her old elementary school in Cheyenne. Once again, she coerced me by telling me that three of the most popular geocaches in the country were there, so I relented and agreed to the quick day trip.  As I write this, we are preparing for our first winter trip in the van. We will be headed to Great Basin National Park to explore some caves and, hopefully, go snowshoeing.

Well, that is enough about us and you are probably thinking, “I hope this is the last letter because Tazia and Quinton are talkers compared to Craig.” Wait, before I go, I know that I promised Tazia’s friend Aaron a shoutout in this year’s letter. He knows why he deserves this, but as parents of a child who is thousands of miles away, it is nice to know that she has great friends like Aaron, Arielle, and Jihad. Also, Aaron has an excellent political newsletter that Tina reads every day and then tells me about at dinner – you should check it out.


In case you were unaware and are just now realizing that you forgot my birthday, 2023 was the year that I deleted my Facebook account. Although I am confident that Grandma Lavonne provides moderately accurate updates on my life to everyone that she knows, this is an opportunity to share my life updates directly with you. Since I do not talk to most of you regularly, I now take this obligation to provide you with an annual update more seriously than ever before. (Let the record reflect that my section of the holiday letter has the fewest words.)

I still live in Washington, D.C. with my two cats, but we moved twice in July when my lease ended. The first apartment had an unfortunate pest problem, so we quickly moved to another building. (Special thanks to Grandma Lavonne for her expertise in lease negotiation tactics and roach eradication measures!) For the second consecutive year, I convinced Tina and Craig to come to D.C. to decorate my new apartment; this time, though, I successfully tricked Tina into organizing every closet and cabinet. In exchange for their help, I entertained Craig’s geocaching adventures on Teddy Roosevelt Island and took Tina to see POTUS: Or, Behind Every Great Dumbass Are Seven Women Trying to Keep Him Alive.  

I still work for the SEC, but I am now a Senior Counsel in the Office of International Affairs. For those of you who wondered back in 2015 what I was going to do with my undergraduate degree and law school education, this is it. Just when I finally started to read books for fun (much to the delight of my parents), I decided that I missed reading textbooks. I am now working toward an Executive Master of Business Administration from the University of Nevada, Reno. Go Wolf Pack! You might be asking: What will Tazia do with an EMBA? I’ll be adding more letters to my email signature, hanging another diploma on the wall, and making up for skipping Mr. Jim Friel’s financial literacy class in 9th grade. 

Because I am a full-time attorney and part-time graduate student, I did not travel as much this year. As Dad mentioned, Mom and I traveled to Paris together in March. In true Tazia-fashion, our itinerary was packed full of activities including a cooking class, champagne at the Eiffel Tower summit, and seeing Moulin Rouge! I spent Halloween weekend in New Orleans with my friend, Elayna; we learned how to make gumbo in a cooking class, held a baby alligator during a swamp tour, and explored the bars on Bourbon Street. (Do you see a pattern here? I can’t seem to stay away from school, i.e., cooking classes, even on vacation.) At the Virkus family reunion in Minnesota, I was the lucky winner of Jenna’s painting; it will be prominently featured in my home until the Smithsonian requests it. In September, I visited northern Nevada to attend my EMBA program’s fall mixer and to spend time with the family picking and canning apples from my parents’ backyard.

When I am not working, studying, or traveling, you can find me spending time with friends, dating a Jeopardy! Champion, and FaceTiming my soon-to-be sister-in-law! (Thanks, Q, for giving me the best sister!) Until next year, feel free to keep up with my adventures on Instagram, LinkedIn, Goodreads, and Duolingo.

Quinton & Zoey

My Turn

Well, I’m sure you all are as excited as I am about this Christmas letter being the last ever. This “tradition” always seemed a little bit too self-indulgent for me. I mean, we all see how much Tina and Craig like to flaunt their lifestyles in portentous Facebook posts, and since they can not abstain from a pseudo-influencer lifestyle for more than 16 hours, is this letter really necessary? Tazia’s no better; she’s just more selective with her audience – you have to make at least six figures to afford tickets to her show. Look, I’m not belittling the lifestyle, I also have my deplorable character traits; however, it seems as if the moment November rolls around I am forced into sharing intimate details of my life to all of you – most of whom I wouldn’t, or don’t, talk to at compulsory family gatherings. So here I am, for a final time, putting on an award winning performance to report that I am still alive and still the real reason you could sit and endure the interminable length of the Statucki family Christmas letter.

This year has started as most expected, in January, followed by 11 more months for those who follow the Gregorian calendar, or 12 more for those who were born before 1582. New Year’s started with a bang. Not a pun, our neighborhood was a panicle of gunshots ringing through the night just like our founding fathers intended. In true Denver fashion, the police never came. MLK day was great, no joke here; that’s racist. Zoey and I spent our first anniversary together as far away from human interaction as possible. It was the happiest I’ve ever been on vacation.

Groundhog Day was a little surreal – it felt as if I was living the same day over and over until I learned to be less cold and aloof. But that’s February – it’s gonna be cold, it’s gonna be gray, and it’s gonna last the rest of your life. Valentine’s Day was just as eerie, especially when you celebrate the day of love eating dinner in an Italian restaurant located in a little hole in the wall in the north side of Chicago. I celebrate presidents as most of you would; binge drinking and crying over the 1963 assassination of a gold standard backed currency. If you don’t get that joke, you’re probably one of Tazia’s rich lawyer friends or you are too young to understand inflation. 

On the twelfth day, God gave us more light; but only in March and only for an hour. It’s weird that an omniscient being would be so parsimonious with light knowing seasonal depression exists. Saint Patty’s Day makes up for that, since it’s the only day out of the year you can use Irish Car Bomb in a sentence without offending the British. Blacking out for an evangelical priest who didn’t like snakes seems like the perfect way to celebrate for a recovering alcoholic. Ramadan started but it didn’t end fast enough; a whole month without swearing? (Beep) that.

On April 1st, I found out I was the favorite child; on the 2nd, I found out I was not. Easter’s a holiday in April. I always forget, not that it’s in April, that people celebrate it. Hail Jesus or whatever you say. At the end of the month, Zoey and I made the pilgrimage back to Reno, Nevada for Sarah and Nolan’s wedding. With us living hundreds of miles away from our family and friends, it’s great to have amazing friends to celebrate with. I was gonna propose to Zoey on that trip, but Lavonne ruined it with a sex joke – that coffee hound.

May was a big month for us. With 31 days, we spent the first four preparing for Margarita’s and AMF’s. On the 5th we stayed home and watched The Alamo starring Billy Bob Thorton. In true comedic timing, I proposed to Zoey on Mother’s Day. You can say I gave Deb Swisher the best Mother’s Day present ever – Me. Memorial Day is the most underrated holiday in my opinion: three-day weekend, American flags, and Toby Keith’s “Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue” on repeat – how can it get any better? For us, driving to the most underwhelming town in Colorado – Loveland. 

For my surgical removal day, Zoey and I once again decided to pull a play out of Henry David Thoreau’s playbook and went into the woods because we wished to live deliberately. Nahhhh. We’re just misanthropic. We proudly waved the flag of Somalia on the 14th. I got the day off from work on Juneteenth – again, no joke, racist. Also, this month is dedicated to one of my best men and Zoey’s maid of honor – so proud of you, buddy.

FOURTH OF JULY, BABY. LET’S (BEEP) GO AMERICA!!! Also one of the best holidays, but a little word of caution… don’t use sparklers in a dry meadow. That also goes for gender reveal parties. Looking at you, California. We also went to Mini Soda for another wedding. I’m sure you know that. You read Craig’s segment – I don’t need to tell you again. However, on that trip I learned it’s really expensive to get drunk at negative sea level after living in the Mile High City. That’s not because of the elevation – it’s because they don’t take alcohol seriously and close liquor stores early. To finish that month, our baby boy turned 1 year old, so we gave him kibble with cheese so that he knows he’s special.

August was boring, so we celebrated Roman emperors all month long – even the horse. On the 13th, all the lefties of the world united for a day they can collectively share – lame. Oh, it was also Tazia’s birthday. Happy belated birthday, sis!

September is a somber month for all the Bush administration babies. Good thing it started off with the best three-day weekend of the year – Labor Day (Beep)! It’s the holiday of my people. If you can’t change your oil, frame a house, or lay ‘crete, that day’s not for you – move along. I’m so glad I got to spend the weekend fishing with a fellow blue collar man, my father-in-law.

Boo! Did I scare you? Probably not as much as opening this letter and seeing it was longer than all the doctoral theses of liberal arts majors, combined. For Halloween, I dressed up as Christopher Columbus, but not in his prime – as he would look like today. Banks dressed up as himself. Zoey, as always, was an angel. October also has Nevada Day – if you don’t know what that is, it’s because your state sucks – get out of here.

Halloween extends into November, but it’s like a Cinco de Mayo mash up. 10/10 – would recommend. The rest of the month is a blur until Thanksgiving; however, as I age rapidly in this yawning abyss of life, I enjoy it less and less. It’s not because of the history behind pilgrims or the Ancient Aliens Thanksgiving episode. No. The whole origin behind my disdain for Turkey Day lies with the lackluster football games. Let colleges play that day – they’re more entertaining than watching the Vikings or Broncos lose for the umpteenth time.

December, now we’re here. 18 days into it, try not to expect much. 


Lavonne & Dennis

I was disappointed to find out that Grandma Lavonne and Dennis would not be writing their own holiday letter this year. Apparently, they are too busy being happy newlyweds, so, as the favorite eldest granddaughter, I (Tazia) took it upon myself to prepare this section. I am exceptionally qualified for this role since I FaceTime Grandma Lavonne nearly every week. 

Lavonne and Dennis got engaged at the start of the year and wasted no time planning their wedding. As it was the day before the Virkus reunion, they were surrounded by friends and family at their wedding. Dennis made everyone cry with his romantic vows, while Lavonne made everyone laugh as she pulled her glasses out of her bra to read hers. After spending the summer in Minnesota and visiting Niagara Falls for their honeymoon, Lavonne and Dennis returned to Pahrump and their motorcycle club. Yes, Lavonne and Dennis are proud members of the Free Riders; it is free and gives Lavonne a reason to wear a leather vest. Grandma Lavonne is also keeping herself busy with sewing projects; I have already commissioned a Lavonne-original for next October, so you will have to get in line. 

Lavonne and Dennis enjoy having company, so feel free to contact them directly if you would like to visit Pahrump. Please note that you are only allowed to stay with them long-term if your name is Tina Martinez or you are one of Lavonne’s siblings or grandchildren.

* * *

Congratulations on making it to the end of the unabridged version of the final Statucki Holiday Letter! We hope that you all have a wonderful holiday season and happy new year!

Craig, Tina, Tazia, Quinton, & Zoey

Holiday Letter 2022

Happy Holidays!

This year’s letter is brought to you by three of us. Each family member was required to write their paragraph by close of business on December 10th; however, Tina was busy decorating the house and wrapping presents, so I am taking one for the team and writing her section. It also gets me out of decorating and wrapping, so it is a win-win for me. Since I like to reward timeliness, the order of the paragraphs is by submission order.


Dearly beloved, I’m sure you’re wondering why I am actually writing a paragraph for the Christmas letter considering my anti-Christian beliefs. Some of the relatives probably don’t know who the youngest offspring of Craig and Tina is, making this entry complicate their early onset dementia diagnosis. Well, to answer both the long-time family friends and the 15 cousins three times removed, I was forced to illustrate this past year of my life. I’ll attach an image (see below) in case the font is too small or the vernacular is too articulate for the older Trump-loving audience. In summation, this year of 2022 was my busiest: falling in love with a public health major (she believes in mask mandates and vaccines, for our smaller-minded readers), moving to Colorado with the aforementioned love interest, and turning wrenches for a salary that forces me to pay more in taxes than liberal arts majors make in a year. We adopted a dog. He is a black Lab mix named Banks – as in Coors Banquet, or Banks, as in the trusted institutions that rob us of our true pursuit of happiness. He’s cute, but loud and gets in trouble a lot. Anyway, I’m sure that censorship-loving Craig is going to edit this paragraph (like CNN editing the election results). Love some of you, but don’t remember most of you. Quinton.

Craig and Tina

Shortly after writing last year’s holiday letter, Tina and I sold our house in Las Vegas and completed our move to Carson City. We still visit Las Vegas every couple of months for work and now question how we lived there for so long. We miss our friends, but the traffic and crowds everywhere ensure that we will never move back. The sale of the Las Vegas house meant that Tina could go into super duper remodel mode at the Carson City house and we spent most of the spring remodeling the kitchen, bathroom, floors, painting (lots of painting), and turning the backyard cabin into a bar (which still needs a few finishing touches, but it is otherwise ready for a party).

Tina is still a goddess and continues to work for the Nevada Department of Education. She oversees the statewide teacher evaluation system and spends quality time explaining to educators that, if they used it properly, they would love it too. She also recently became the Executive Director for the Nevada Association of Career and Technical Education (my old job). It’s a part-time gig, but it allows her to travel and network with other educators from across the country while advocating for providing students with relevant learning opportunities. Tina is also part of a book club (appropriately titled The Overbooked Book Club). I thought being in a book club meant  7 women meeting monthly to discuss a book. I was wrong; the Overbooked Book Club has additional responsibilities such as joining a softball league, attending summer concerts at the Brewery Arts Center, and going scorpion hunting. Yes, you read that right. Tina played softball this summer. I now know where Tazia got her softball skills and also where Tazia learned how to ignore the 3rd base coach when running from 1st to 3rd on an overthrow. Tina is still crafting and is looking forward to our next big project – building her a greenhouse from the chicken coop area (see last year’s letter).

I am also still with the Nevada Department of Education, but I am currently serving as the Interim Deputy Superintendent of Educator Effectiveness and Family Engagement. It is a fun and interesting challenge, especially as we get ready for a new legislative session in February. I am still geocaching, hiking, biking, and playing with Legos. Carson City is great for those activities. I join Tina on her extracurricular book club activities and additional excursions that she finds through the fantastic Carson City Parks and Recreation Department. We went on a bike ride along the river – which Tina signed us up for before she even had a bike (she now has 2), did a ghost walk in the cemetery during Halloween weekend, and toured Silver Saddle Ranch. I am sure that Tyler from the Parks and Rec office is tired of seeing us.

Our adventures were not limited to the Carson City area. In February, we traveled to the Oregon Coast for a long holiday weekend. We had a great time traveling the coast and dodging rainstorms while we hiked. Tina’s trip to Washington, DC in March to visit Tazia and her cousin Dayna was one of several that each of us made for work or fun during the year (Tazia put Tina to work decorating her new apartment). While I am sure that Tazia was thrilled that we were visiting frequently, we were really continuing to visit so that we could get invited to the infamous game night at Jihad’s house. I tried to get Jihad to write his own paragraph on the illustrious history of game night, but he begged off… maybe next year. 

The big adventure was our 10-day trip to British Columbia and Seattle for our 30th wedding anniversary – also the 20th anniversary of our 10th wedding anniversary trip to the same area. The whole trip focused on seeing beautiful scenery, going on hikes, whale watching, and visiting with Aunt Marie, Uncle John, Rhonda, and Kayla. It had nothing to do with Geowoodstock being outside of Vancouver, Canada, and the 20th Anniversary of Geocaching event. It was a fun trip and we visited some small towns that we saw while watching Still Standing (Amazon Prime) including the town where Rambo was filmed (Hope, BC) and the mural capital of Canada (Chemainus, BC). We spent time at Marie and John’s house, and [successfully] converted Rhonda and Kayla into geocachers after taking them on a 7-mile round-trip hike to find the famous Ape Geocache outside of Seattle.

Since the kids are busy and traveling to Reno by plane can be inconvenient, Tina and I decided to go to Monterey, CA for Thanksgiving. It was fantastic! We (mostly Tina) did not have to grocery shop, cook, or clean up Thanksgiving dinner. After a 6-mile hike in Point Lobos State Park, we went to a bar for turkey dinner. For $35 per person, we got a full turkey dinner without having to do anything other than order it and watch football. After dinner, we made a short trip to the Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary – it is migration season and saw thousands of butterflies. We had a great time driving up and down the coast for a few days. We have decided that destination Thanksgivings are the best and this may be our new holiday tradition, especially with the kids now living in other states. 


When Craig requested that each family member draft their own paragraph, I initially sent one sentence:  Tazia still lives in DC, still works at the SEC, still has two cats, and is still single. That narrative was rejected, so here is a more fulsome 2022 autobiography.

Near the start of the year, I moved apartments to be closer to work; I am literally across the street from it now. Tina visited shortly thereafter to help me decorate. Her interior design skills have resulted in at least one guest commenting that my apartment looks like it could be included in Good Housekeeping. Tina and Craig both visited me multiple times this year, likely because they now have a separate guest room to stay in. I am eagerly waiting for Quinton to come to visit, so hopefully, his love interest (see supra) will successfully convince him to make the trip.

I still work as a Senior Counsel at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. I love the work that I do, but love being able to enjoy frequent vacations even more. This year, I went on domestic trips to Pennsylvania, New York, West Virginia, Florida, Nevada, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. For my birthday, I went on an 11-day trip to Ireland and the United Kingdom (including Northern Ireland) with my friend, Leigh. Our itinerary was packed full of activities; some trip highlights were seeing the Cliffs of Moher, taking a black taxi cab tour of Belfast, exploring the Tower of London, and attending a live Peloton class with my favorite instructor. When I am not working or traveling, I enjoy spending time with friends, spoiling all the family pets (my cats, Taz and Sage, and Silver and Banks), and going on dates until Netflix eventually casts me in Love Is Blind.



(This is Silver’s paragraph. We are working on his typing skills, but he says the river is fun and we should take him there more often. He also loves catching snowballs. And Tazia buys him the best toys.)

* * *

If you made it to the end of the longest Statucki Family Holiday Letter ever, congratulations! You don’t win a prize, but I am sure the joy and entertainment that we brought you was worth the effort.

Wishing you and yours a wonderful new year!

Craig, Tina, Tazia, Quinton, and Silver

Holiday Letter 2021

Happy Howl-idays! Once again, Craig wanted to delegate the holiday letter among the family members to each write their own paragraph. And once again, no one wrote their respective paragraph. So this year you get the ulti-mutt letter, written by me, Silver. 

We all had a doggone good year in 2021! In January, Tina and Tazia took the trip of a lifetime to Alaska for nearly two weeks. I was a little jealous because they went on a helicopter tour of glaciers, snowmachining on a frozen lake, and even mushed with some Iditarod-trained huskies. I’d like to think I could have been one of those dogs in my younger years, but I was never fond of the cold. 

In fact, I was a snowbird for much of the year. I spent the first few months of 2021 with Quinton in Las Vegas. He and I were the perfect roommates and bonded over our shared love of carrots, flirting with ladies on our walks, and catching some zzz’s in bed after a long day. In March, our landlords – Craig and Tina – took me back to northern Nevada since the winter was so mild last year. This allowed me to visit my favorite spot – the Carson River. They were living in a condo, but since Tina decided to make the move to Carson City permanent, they were determined to buy a house. The new house is fine, but the backyard has a huge grassy area for me to roll around in, a cabin, a pond (that they won’t let me swim in – grrr), and a chicken coop (which has no chickens as they are worried I might want to try my paw at hunting). Craig and Tina have spent the past few months renovating the house, while I have spent my time visiting with the frogs, lizards, snakes, and birds that seem to enjoy the yard as much as I do.

Craig still works for the Nevada Department of Education as the Director of Career Readiness, Adult Learning, and Education Options. He was busy during the legislative session and successfully lobbied for the passage of multiple pieces of legislation to support career and technical education. When he isn’t busy doing paw-some things at work, he enjoys Zwift cycling, playing with Legos, and doing lots and lots of yard work. Craig still goes out geocaching, but in my old age, I have trouble keeping up on longer treks. Tina now joins him for the longer walks while I enjoy some quality alone time, though they didn’t go on nearly as many hikes as they would have liked because of all the smoke from the wildfires this summer – it was so bad some days that they didn’t want to let me go outside. I thought I would get some quality alone time with Craig when Tina went to Minnesota with her mom, Aunt Tasha, and her mom’s BFF Tina for a family reunion. I heard they had a good time visiting with the folks up there; however, Craig ditched me to do a bike race up to Lake Tahoe with a friend from Vegas, so I stayed with Quinton. Craig came home exhausted, but he’s planning on doing it again anyhow.

Tina left her teaching job in March and now also works for the Nevada Department of Education. She serves as an Education Programs Professional in the Office of Educator Development, Licensure, & Family Engagement. Although her office in Carson City is only a few blocks away from the house, she is still able to work remotely most of the time. Thank goodness, as I think I’d be lonely if l had to stay home all by myself every day. Tina spends her free time remodeling the house and crafting, going on walks with Craig, hanging out with Aunt Tasha, and telling me not to eat the grass in the backyard while Craig and Tina are doing yard work. 

Quinton must have missed me terribly because he just moved back to northern Nevada. He left Fleet in Vegas to work for Freightliner in Vegas, but then Quinton was recruited by one of his former customers in Reno to be the lead mechanic for a shop up north. He lives with a buddy in Reno, but at least I get to see him a little more often. Quinton keeps himself quite busy with work, fishing, eating healthy (meal prepping), and working out. I wish I had the energy still to be so active.

Tazia lives in Washington, DC, and sends me toys via Amazon Prime every few months. After spending nearly two years working at a big law firm, she decided to transition to a career in public service. Tazia now works as an attorney in the Office of the General Counsel at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. She has also decided to take classes at Georgetown Law to earn a certificate in securities and financial regulation. I think she just loves going to school. When Tazia isn’t obsessing over securities law, she is constantly sending us pictures of her cats, Taz and Sage, and riding her Peloton bike to earn badges.

I also got to spend some quality time with other members of the family myself. In March, I hung out with Dylan (Tasha’s oldest) while Craig and Tina visited the Redwoods and the California coast. I’m not sure why they didn’t take me. I love walking around trees and swimming. In September, I got more quality time with Dylan while Craig, Tina, and Quinton took a trip to Colorado to see Craig’s side of the family (Tazia said she was too busy). I also spent some time with Grandma Lavonne while Tina and Craig were busy moving stuff from the Vegas house to the Carson house. They sold the house in Vegas, so I guess I’m stuck in snowy Carson for the winter – ooh, my aching bones! I do love visiting Grandma Lavonne – she and her gaggle of girls spoil me rotten.

Despite the chaos of the world around us, we have been paw-sitively lucky to have such a happy, healthy, and harmonious year. We woof you all a wonder-fur holiday season and a happy new year!

Silver, Craig, Tina, Tazia, and Quinton

Holiday Letter 2020

Happy Holidays!

This year has been insane for the Statuckis and I am not even talking about pandemics or elections. We are now redefining the “new normal” in our households.

Trip to Loveland CO

Just prior to state closures, Tazia and Quinton joined Tina and I in Colorado to visit my family for a few days over President’s Day weekend. It was a fun trip, but we would have never guessed that it was going to be our only Griswold family trip of the year.

In March, I left my job at East Tech to take a position with the Nevada Department of Education as the Director of Career Readiness, Adult Learning, and Education Options. My first day in the new position was also the first day school buildings were closed. One of the “perks” of my new job is that it is located in Carson City. So, during the beginning of Nevada’s pandemic closures, I was transitioning to a new job, finding a place to live, and moving my stuff from Las Vegas to Carson City. I will say that I am getting pretty good at driving between the two cities.

Built our own fireplace.

Tina continued to work at Northwest CTA while I was working in Carson City. She only had three years to retirement so we figured that we could take turns commuting. How bad could it be? While the commuting was tolerable, working for Clark County was not. Tina spent her summer break with me in Carson City, and after a few weeks of nice weather and evening walks together, Tina started to look for jobs in northern Nevada. In late July, she took a position as a virtual teacher for the Churchill County School District. Now that she is no longer working in career and technical education, Tina was awarded the Nevada ACTE Lifetime Achievement Award for her hard work and dedication over the years. Tina has also embraced her skills as an interior designer and spends the weekends remodeling and decorating our Carson City home. 

We are really enjoying living in Carson City. The area is beautiful, relatively quiet, and we now both have jobs that allow us to have some “us” time every evening and weekend. You can follow our adventures in Carson City on Instagram at @2keytravelers. In addition, we are closer to Tina’s sister and Quinton. Well, we were closer to Quinton for a few months.

Thanksgiving in Las Vegas

Quinton apparently decided that Carson City was too close to him in Reno, so he found a new job in Las Vegas. He now works for a diesel truck fleet company and is living in our Las Vegas house. Tina and I have become landlords! While Quinton misses his friends in Reno, he definitely does not miss doing road calls during a snowstorm to fix broken down trucks. Quinton moved right before Thanksgiving so we were able to have our first Thanksgiving in Las Vegas in about a decade. Tazia joined us for the week, though she and I took turns having Zoom meetings in the laundry room the whole time. Some of you are wondering whether Quinton will convert our dream home into a party house; luckily, we still get the Ring doorbell notifications so we will know when Quinton hosts a party. 

While many of you think Tazia is the stable one in the family, you would be wrong. Tazia works for the same law firm, but she switched from the corporate practice group to litigation in order to argue with more people. She has been working from “home” since the shutdowns in the former epicenter of the pandemic, New York City. Early in the shutdown, Tazia decided to embrace the crazy cat lady inside of her and adopted a kitten, Sage, to keep her and Taz company. Tazia also figured out that if she was going to be working remotely for an extended period of time that she did not have to pay New York City rent, so she moved back to Washington, DC for now. She is closer to her law school friends and saving money to support her addiction to buying pet toys for her cats and Silver.

Craig trying to convince Silver to get out of the Carson River.

Speaking of Silver, he enjoyed Carson City, but not the smaller place with no yard. He is also not a fan of colder weather. With Quinton moving back to Las Vegas, Silver has turned into the snowbird that we will become some day when we retire. The tentative plan is for Silver to live with Quinton in Las Vegas during the colder months and live with us in Carson City during the  summer.

To recap, everyone moved, everyone changed jobs, and everyone is healthy, safe, and happy. 

We hope that you all have a wonderful socially distant holiday season!

Craig, Tina, Tazia, and Quinton

Holiday Letter 2019

Happy Holidays!

Our initial plan was to go high tech with the Holiday Letter and post a video of each of us providing our update, but Tina and Tazia did not want to put on make-up today. So, you have to actually read in order to get up-to-date on the happenings with the Statucki family.

Riding in the Zwift version of Central Park.

I finally made it to finding 4,000 geocaches and have a new favorite video game – Zwift. For those of you who are not familiar with Zwift, my road bike is attached to a trainer and as I pedal my real bike, my virtual bike explores different virtual worlds. I participate in occasional races with the sole goal of not finishing last. I also bought a new car because my FJ Cruiser is a collector’s item and I did not want to add unnecessary mileage because my commute to East CTA, where I am an Assistant Principal, is significantly longer than Tina’s commute. I still serve as the Executive Director of Nevada ACTE and the past year has kept me busy as we are hosting two conferences this year.

Tina on a stagecoach in Tombstone, AZ.

Tina is still fabulous. She is currently the principal at Northwest CTA, the 2nd best CTA in Las Vegas 🙂 During the Nevada ACTE summer conference, she was named Administrator of the Year for Nevada. She is still crafting and has spent the last year completing diamond paintings, paint-by-numbers, and she crochets three squares a month as part of her new crocheting club of the month subscription. Each month she receives yarn to make three squares of a quilt, complains about how hard each new stitch is going to be, and then finishes all three squares while I go on a walk with the dog.

GW Law School Awards Ceremony.

Tazia’s year was pretty uneventful. Tazia’s last semester of law school started with her being named best oralist in her region at the Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition and followed it up by finishing as the 20th best oralist in the world at the international Jessup competition. Can you believe that there are 19 people who are better at arguing with their parents than Tazia is? I’d hate to be those kids’ parents. Tina and I met my parents, Lavonne, and a host of other family members to attend Tazia’s graduation from law school. While it was a highlight to see her walk across the stage, Tina and I were proudest of the number and variety of awards that she received from the law school. Tazia moved to New York City for work, at Covington & Burling, at the end of July and took and passed the bar exam. After the exam, Tazia took Lavonne on a Mediterranean cruise for seven days. Tina and I can’t believe they both came back alive after spending so much time together. We couldn’t do it. If you want to know more about Tazia’s exploits, please email her at and tell her to write her own letter now that she makes more money than we do. 

Lake Tahoe, NV.

Quinton is still working as a diesel technician in Reno. He came down to visit Tina and I in June just after his birthday. Instead of going out partying with his friends, Quinton and Tina waited in line for hours at Zac Bagan’s The Haunted Museum (I choose to go geocaching instead, not because I was scared). Based on the stories they told, the scariest part of the museum was Quinton and Tina yelling and taunting the demons (not ghosts because “they are little bitches” according to Quinton) in front of the other members of their tour group and receiving the occasional unappreciative look from those who were legitimately scared. This year, Quinton has explored his artistic and creative side, much like his mother. He has been busy painting, sculpting, and building projects in his tiny apartment. I am sure that his neighbors appreciate him using power tools and blow torches in his apartment. He is willing to sell you his artwork, but if you tag him in a Facebook post, you will be paying a significant premium to own any part of his greatness. 

A “roadside attraction” outside of Tonopah, NV.

As for our Griswold family trips, which is now just Tina and I on road trips, we attended an ACTE Region Conference in Montana in April. In July, Tina and I drove up to visit with Quinton and then drove to the central coast of California. We had a great stay outside of Cambria and visited Nitt Witt Ridge, Blancas Piedras Lighthouse, and Morro Rock. No road trip would be complete without a geocache or two and our trip to Cambria was no exception. Since Tina likes scary stuff and I like geocaching, we went together to find a night cache in a cemetery that was established in 1870. The geocache had to be found at night because the path to the final container utilized reflective pins that we had to follow. So, Tina and I were walking around a deserted cemetery with headlamps on at 10:00 in the evening with the fog rolling in. When you put it that way, it seems a little creepy, but I did find the geocache which is the important part. In late October, we drove to Arizona to visit Organ Pipe National Monument and Saguaro National Park. We ended up in Tombstone, Arizona on the 138th anniversary of the gunfight at the OK Corral and stayed in a haunted bordello that was converted into a bed and breakfast. Tina and I both experienced separate unusual experiences during our stay, but we are not completely convinced they were supernatural. As much as Tina and I like our road trips, we are sure that Silver likes them more because he gets to stay with Grandma Lavonne. Lavonne and her boomer friends spoil him rotten. 

As I am writing this letter, we are staying in a normal, not haunted house in Lake Tahoe with the kids for Thanksgiving. Since we are not going to see either of them for Christmas, we have combined the holidays and are enjoying having both of them with us at the same time.We hope everyone has a great holiday season and maybe next year Tina and Tazia will put on makeup for a video version of the letter.

Craig, Tina, Tazia, Quinton, and Silver

Bonus Features

Craig’s Top Five Travel Bugs (in terms of miles traveled)

  1. Sta2Key Travel Coin – 83015 miles
  2. GeoSta2Key – 31281 miles
  3. Vive Le Minion – 28885 miles
  4. SkyMed – 21832 miles
  5. Michelin Tag – 21557 miles

Tina’s Top 5 Favorite Hobbies

  1. Acrylic Painting
  2. Flower Arrangements
  3. Refinishing and Repurposing Furniture
  4. Crocheting
  5. Photography

Quinton’s Top 5 Favorite Paintings

  1. Van Gogh – The Olive Trees
  2. Claude Monet – La Seine a Lavacourt
  3. Van Gogh – Irises
  4. Francisco Goya – Saturn Devouring His Son
  5. Piet Mondrian – Silver Tree

Tazia’s Top 5 Favorite Mediterranean Trip Moments

  1. Barcelona bus tour on my 25th Birthday
  2. Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, Spain
  3. Eating pasta and gelato in Lucca, Italy
  4. St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City
  5. When the tour guide in Pompeii, Italy asked what a phallic symbol was, and Grandma Lavonne yelled “Jesus!” in front of the entire group.

Holiday Letter 2018

Happy Holidays from sunny Las Vegas! The only thing that seemed to be quicker than this year for us is binge-watching a season (or two) of The Marvelous Miss Maisel or a season (or two) of Ozark. Why can’t they produce more episodes of these great shows? Is it really that difficult to make 22 episodes anymore? Oops, sorry, I forgot this isn’t a Facebook rant; it is a Christmas letter. Yes, Craig is back.

Sunrise from the patio.

In February, Tina and I moved into our new house. The new address was on the envelope the card came in. Hopefully, you were not so eager to read this letter that you immediately threw the envelope away or tore it beyond recognition. Good news! It is also on our card that you are proudly displaying on your fireplace mantle, right above the stockings. The new house allows us to downsize and upgrade from the last house. Despite what Tazia thinks, this is not the same line as last year. Last year we said, “Craig and I also decided to downsize our house and upgrade our lives” ( I think that the best part of the new house is our unobstructed view of the entire Las Vegas Valley. While Tina appreciates the view, she loves her 10-minute commute to work better. The new house is also equipped with two separate craft areas for Tina – one inside the house and one as a separate garage that she has all to herself. Meanwhile, all I got is a four-foot shelving unit and a bike stand in the garage where we park our cars. That is f*&^%@ b@&#*@! Where is my man cave?

Tazia at the World War II Memorial

Tazia is in her last year of law school at The George Washington University Law School (emphasis on the THE). During the school year, she has kept herself busy as part of skills boards, journals, and working as a research assistant. In the spring, Tazia was also a finalist in an international commercial arbitration competition on campus. The first person who can explain that sentence in plain English wins a prize. Over the summer, she completed her Summer Associate program at Covington & Burling in New York City and received an offer to join the firm’s corporate practice after graduation. She already has our retirement home picked out for us. Fortunately, she will make enough money to pay for it. She loved New York and won tickets to eleven different Broadway shows. How does someone win tickets to Escape to Margaritaville on Broadway who has never yelled “Salt! Salt! Salt!” in a bar? Tina is jealous of her Broadway show victories, but I am most envious of her tickets to see Stephen Colbert and John Oliver. Tina and I are currently arguing over whether we are going to visit Tazia for Thanksgiving or Christmas next year. Tina wants to see the Thanksgiving Day parade and I don’t. It is on TV. Who needs to wait for hours in the cold to see the Baby Trump Blimp go by? Oops, I forgot it was it not a Facebook rant again. 

Apologies for the length of the last paragraph. Tazia was trying to edit it while I was writing it and I had to change her Google rights to “Comment Only.”

Quinton in his apartment/recording studio.

Quinton, “the dopest man alive,” is completing his diesel technician certifications at TMCC in Reno and should be done in May. I say “should be done” because he keeps finding things that interest him and he may go back to school to take some welding classes. For someone who hated school so much growing up, it is kind of ironic that he wants to stay in school to learn some additional skills. He is working at a Petro Truck Stop in Reno as a diesel technician. Tina and I are happy that he finally has a steady income to support his side hobby of producing rap music. You can find him on SoundCloud or Instagram (WARNING! EXPLICIT LYRICS!).  While we would like to see Quinton move back closer to home, Las Vegas cannot offer the outdoor experiences that he enjoys in Reno. There is not a lot of fishing and camping in the 110+ degree heat of Las Vegas. Quinton has become an avid reader and is frequently asking Tina for book recommendations. He doesn’t ask me because he knows I am going to list off a bunch of Tom Clancy novels. He can’t ask Tazia because the only thing she reads are textbooks. What kind of law student has never read To Kill a Mockingbird? This year, Quinton has found a new way to annoy us. When he binge-watches shows, he doesn’t do it in order and it messes up our viewing queue. Apparently, being OCD doesn’t always run in the family, but three out of four isn’t bad.

Tina is always happy about Geocaching road trips.

Tina and I have both been busy at work and attending conferences. Tina is still the principal at Northwest Career and Technical Academy and I was recently promoted to an assistant principal at East Career and Technical Academy. I was able to see Tazia in Washington, DC, in March, while I was attending an ACTE Conference. In April, Tina and I both attended a conference in Colorado Springs and met my parents, Jodi, and David for dinner in Denver on our commute back to Las Vegas. Tina wanted me to point out that she made the CCSD Superintendent’s Principal Honor Roll. That recognition came with no bonus, but she got a cool pin and a banner. I don’t have any cool recognitions like that, but I do work at America’s Number One Magnet School. Upon reading this paragraph, Tina called me a name that isn’t suitable for print. Keep in mind that I already swore previously in this letter.

The Largest Ball of Twine

Before the school year ended, Tina and I traveled to Oregon to attend the wedding of one of her former students. To my former students who are reading this, where is my invite to your wedding? I know some you liked me more than Tina or, at least, I gave you a better grade. Over the summer, Tina and I took an extended road trip to visit my family in Colorado and to see the Nevonen’s and Virkus-Smith’s in Minnesota. We enjoyed seeing family in both states, but it did seem a little odd to be on a long road trip without the kids. Clark and Ellen never went on a trip without Audrey and Rusty regardless of who was playing the kids. If you want us to replace Tazia and Quinton on road trips with your kids, please contact us privately and have your credit card ready. We also accept ApplePay, Venmo, Paypal, and Amazon gift cards. As part of the trip, we visited the world’s largest ball of twine, the largest concrete gnome, and the world’s largest cow. Thanks to, Tina and I have found another way to have fun on road trips besides Geocaching. Conveniently for me, most of these roadside attractions have a geocache nearby. We also visited the traditional attractions on the three-day road trip home including Theodore Roosevelt National Park (Quinton’s favorite President), Little Bighorn Battlefield, and Yellowstone National Park. I guess one benefit of President Trump gutting the Department of Interior is that I will never have to visit Trump National Park. Oops, forgot this wasn’t a Facebook rant.

“This is what we drove out of the way for?” – Tina

Tina’s trick to get me to drive to Minnesota, the land of mosquitos and crazy democrats (oops, I did it again, I played with your heart, got lost in the game, Oh baby, baby), was that we turned the trip into a geocaching road adventure. After visiting my parents, we took a slight detour (maybe about four hours out of the way) to find the oldest active geocache in Kansas. I am pretty sure that Tina thinks my hobby is turning into an obsession. I don’t think so. After all, she is the one with two separate crafting areas. Which one of us do you think has the problem? Please answer in the comment section.

We hope that you have an enjoyable holiday season and a great new year.

The Statucki Family

Bonus Features

Tina’s Top 5 Roadside Attractions

  1. Largest Ball of Twine (because of the company who drove with us to see it)
  2. Largest Concrete Gnome (because it had the bonus butterfly garden)
  3. Idaho Potato Museum
  4. Salem Sue
  5. Only Working Danish Windmill in America (it wasn’t working when we were there and it still made this list)

Craig’s Top 5 Geocaches Found This Year

  1. Mingo (you can’t drive that far out of the way and not have it on the list)
  2. Original Stash (thanks to Erich and Erin)
  3. Iowa Webcam One (because Tina had to sit in the car and take a screenshot of me standing in front of a building)
  4. Haystack Rocks (Goonies Forever)
  5. Pinky Bison Wants to be a Submarine Commander (one ping only Vasili)

Tazia’s Top 5 Favorite Broadway Shows (that she has seen)

  1. Kinky Boots
  2. Wicked
  3. Angels in America
  4. Mean Girls
  5. Spongebob Squarepants

Quinton’s Top 5 Worst Customers

  1. Drivers that wanna be your friend
  2. Eshop users
  3. Persians on a budget
  4. Russians (too busy colluding instead of driving – oops, forgot this wasn’t a Facebook rant)
  5. Swift drivers

Silver’s Top Five Favorite Toys

  1. Pull Rope
  2. Tennis ball (he only gets this at grandma’s house)
  3. Blue frisbee
  4. Red pull toy
  5. Red ball (he is desperate to play when this comes out)

Holiday Letter 2017

Season’s greetings from sunny Las Vegas, Nevada! This year may have been one of the most eventful years in the Statucki family history. To begin, I (Tina) am writing the annual holiday letter for the very first time, so I’m sorry if this letter isn’t as funny, but it will be much more detailed and longer than usual.

The biggest event of the year was when Craig and I renewed our vows for our 25th Wedding Anniversary in the presence of our friends and family. Before the big day, Craig and I took a second honeymoon to Laguna Beach to see the Pageant of the Masters. (It was awesome! Think Gilmore Girls.) We are so thankful that so many people made the trip out to Las Vegas to help us celebrate. I can’t believe that I am old enough to say that I have been happily married for 25 years (at least most days).

Craig and I also decided to downsize our house and upgrade our lives. We sold our big house and bought a smaller one close to my school, but it has a lot of upgrades including RV parking and a fantastic view of the Vegas valley. It is finally my turn to have the short commute and Craig’s turn to suffer through the rush hour traffic on his way home. The house will not be ready until January, but we are lucky to have good friends who are letting us stay in their casita. This is preparing Craig and I for our future retirement adventures in an RV. Our house sold in four days, which left Tazia and Quinton with no time to say goodbye to their childhood home or to pack their stuff. Quinton, however, did come down to help us move what stuff we had left into temporary storage in Lavonne’s garage. We stay with Lavonne every weekend so that Craig can take the dog out geocaching while I do all of the laundry.

Speaking of someone who rarely does his laundry, Quinton also had a pretty exciting year. Quinton spent the summer working for cousin Shawn in Minnesota (Paula’s husband), where he finally realized that he should have listened to me in the first place and gone to trade school instead of college. Upon returning to Reno, Quinton left UNR to start school at TMCC to study Diesel Mechanics. He currently works for Petro Oil as a lube technician, at least until he earns his diesel mechanic certification. Not only will Quinton be happier in this line of work, but he will also make more money to support his hobby of making music. You can find him on SoundCloud if you want to listen to one of his “hit” rap singles. Quinton still calls me every day, which I appreciate.

Tazia calls me more now that she has moved to DC, but probably only once or twice a week. She is in her second year of law school which keeps her quite busy, as she continues to sign up for unpaid extracurricular activities while racking up several thousand dollars in debt each week. She mooched off of us this summer while she interned for the Clark County District Attorney’s office. Her internship provided us with nightly entertainment over dinner, as she bragged about the court cases she observed and wrote several appellate briefs submitted to the Nevada Supreme Court. Thankfully, next summer she will be working as a paid summer associate at a law firm in New York City. Craig and I will be taking full advantage of her absence, as we will be spending a month cat-sitting for her while we party it up with the Russians in DC.

Craig has had the opportunity to visit DC quite often the last few years because of work, but now he will get to be a tourist in the city with me. Craig continues to serve as the Executive Director of Nevada ACTE, but he left Southwest CTA after 8 years to become the new Dean of Students at East CTA. He works in my old office and enjoys yelling at kids other than his own. The new job comes with a longer commute, but it allows him more time to listen to podcasts and audiobooks. In what little spare time he has now, Craig still likes to go geocaching and mountain biking. He surpassed the 3,000 geocache milestone this year with the dog and participated in a mountain bike race in Flagstaff, Arizona, while I went shopping.

Speaking of shopping, I am very excited that the people who bought our house also purchased most of the furniture and decorations. The new owners said that I should become an interior decorator when I retire from my career as an educator. I now get to buy all new stuff for the house and put my interior decorating skills to good use. My favorite part of the new house is my separate crafting garage where I can build, stain, paint, and create all of my crafts without Craig harassing me. Crafting gives me a release from the stresses of my day job as the Principal of Northwest CTA. My school is fantastic (#1 High School in Southern Nevada according to the Nevada School Performance Framework), but our district is going through a major reorganization brought on by the state legislator’s belief that they need to micromanage what we do, which causes me a great deal of grief. Ugh!

On a happier note, we saved $50 per month on our car insurance by switching our address to Pahrump (not because we switched to Geico). Craig is especially happy this season because I cannot access any of my Christmas decorations. I am happy because I am using that excuse to spend our Christmas in a cabin in Lake Tahoe this year with the kids.

We hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, as long as we don’t get bombed by North Korea.


The Statucki Family

Bonus Features

Tina’s Top 5 TV Shows to Binge Watch

  1. Murdock Mysteries
  2. Doc Martin
  3. Gilmore Girls
  4. Handmaid’s Tale
  5. Alias Grace

Honorable Mention: Buzzfeed Unsolved

Craig’s Top 5 TV Shows to Binge Watch

  1. West Wing
  2. Sports Night
  3. Luther
  4. Sherlock
  5. Murdock Mysteries

Honorable Mention: Brook’s Falls Bears

Quinton’s Top 5 TV Shows to Binge Watch

  1. Community
  2. The Office
  3. How I Met Your Mother
  4. South Park
  5. Friends

Honorable Mention: Rick and Morty

Tazia’s Top 5 TV Shows to Binge Watch

  1. Grey’s Anatomy
  2. Scandal
  3. This Is Us
  4. People v. OJ Simpson
  5. Bachelor/Bachelorette/Bachelor in Paradise

Honorable Mention: Brook’s Falls Bears

Silver’s Top 5 Favorite People

  1. Craig
  2. Quinton
  3. Tazia
  4. Grandma Lavonne
  5. Tina

Honorable Mention: Anyone Who Smokes

Holiday Letter 2016

Happy Holidays!

The original plan for this year’s letter was to have each family member write his/her own section since we are scattered about the country. As the most studious family member, I (Tazia) was the only person to complete my section for the annual holiday letter. Since all the other family members failed to complete their tasks, I had to pick up their slack. My dad is trying to claim the credit, saying that he “delegated” the task to me.

Quinton still has not decided what he wants to do for a career. He is currently in his second year at the University of Nevada, Reno majoring in Wildlife Management and Ecology, though his plans for the future change on a weekly basis. Right now, he is considering transferring to another school to pursue a technical degree or possibly joining the military. I’m sure he will have more time to think about the future now that he is no longer involved in cheer; he got tired of the girl drama and has decided he wants to find a stable job. One thing hasn’t changed, though… Quinton still loves spending time outdoors. Every minute of his free time is spent hiking, fishing, and writing rap lyrics for his “upcoming album.” If he wants to get married, he will have to find a woman who enjoys the company of a rappin’ fisherman.

Mom has officially been a high school principal at Northwest CTA for over a year now. Although she hates the long commute to work each day, she loves the staff and students at the school. When she isn’t busy working, she spends her free time crafting, sometimes soliciting my father’s assistance. In addition to hosting several Pinterest parties for her friends, she has also attended several wine and painting classes. Her 25th Wedding Anniversary party is coming up in August, so I’m sure she will be spending the next few months planning the celebration. Her fingers are crossed that they will make it that long, as she keeps redecorating, remodeling, and rearranging the house to my father’s annoyance.

Dad still works at Southwest CTA as the Community Partnership Coordinator and recently finished his endorsement in Educational Administration and the Teacher Leadership Academy; he will be completing the leadership program for the school district in February. The experiences will help him in his continued role as the Executive Director for Nevada ACTE. His jobs keeps him busy networking, traveling, and active on social media. He was recently on the list of Top 100 Educators to follow in Nevada; you can join his 1,589+ followers by following @cstatucki. Dad’s hobby of geocaching has hit a new high. He has found almost 3,000 caches and has found at least one cache on every day of the year, most of which were found with our dog Silver by his side.

This has been a big year for me because I embarked on the most expensive journey of my life. Before I graduated from the University of Nevada, Reno in May with a Bachelor of Arts in International Affairs and Communication Studies, I wrote an original thesis, finished out my term in student government, and received the Sorority Woman of the Year award. After applying to graduate schools around the world, I moved to Washington, DC, to attend law school at George Washington University. While my mom is happy that I chose not to move to China, my dad is even more excited that he now has a reason to come to DC more often. My parents came to visit me in October and I enjoyed showing them around the area as a local. When I’m not FaceTiming my parents to see my cat or studying hard so that I can become a lawyer, I spend my time thinking about how much debt I am accumulating in student loans each day.
We managed to get in a few family trips this year, despite all of our busy schedules. When I graduated in May, many family members came to Reno to celebrate with me. After the ceremony, we headed to Lake Tahoe for a nice evening with Grandma and Grandpa Statucki. Later in the summer, we visited the rest of the Statucki clan in Colorado and stopped at the Black Canyon of the Gunnison on the way. Although it was the only national park we visited this year, it was nice to put another stamp in our national park passports. We also managed to meet up with mom’s cousin Barbie and her family for the Fourth of July. Because my brother and I live almost 3,000 miles apart, my parents took separate trips to see us during the school year. After visiting me in October, they headed to Reno with Grandma Lavonne to see Quinton, Tasha, and her family for Thanksgiving. It was a short trip though, as they had to return to Las Vegas to tailgate with Mom’s staff at the UNLV football game. Fortunately, the Fremont Cannon is back to blue.


Although Grandpa Blake passed away at the start of the year, I know that he would be very happy and proud of everything our family has done this year. On behalf of my family, we would like to thank you for your support during that difficult time. Your love and support is greatly appreciated. We hope you have a happy holidays and a wonderful new year.


Tazia, Tina, Craig, Quinton, and the pets.

Holiday Letter 2015

Happy Holidays!

Welcome to the last Statucki family holiday letter. Since Tina and I are empty nesters, we no longer feel obligated to explain to everyone what is going on in Tazia’s and Quinton’s life. They are grown adults who are getting a college education. Starting next year, they can write their own damn letters.

I am writing this from our new office, which we moved from our bedroom to Quinton’s old room. Since he has left for college, we are utilizing the space more wisely. It isn’t like we turned it into the naked room or anything.

Speaking of offices, Tina got a huge, new office this year that came with her promotion to principal at Northwest Career and Technical Academy. The new job has kept her pretty busy which is good news for me. She doesn’t have as much time to recruit me to help with her Pinterest crafting projects. Shortly after her promotion, we (really it was me) decided that she needed to drive a car worthy of her office, so she gave her hybrid to Quinton and bought herself a Lexus.

I am sure that some of you are still in shock over the news that Quinton is no longer living with us or that he is willingly driving a hybrid, so I will provide his update next. Quinton graduated high school last June and is attending the University of Nevada, or as we in the south call it, UNR. I would love to tell you what he is majoring in, but he seems to change his mind frequently. The one thing that he does not change his mind about is cheerleading. Quinton is on the UNR stunt team and is very busy cheering and stunting at football, volleyball, and basketball games. He enjoys cheering because he is always picking up chicks, literally and figuratively. Quinton also spent the summer working at a cheer gym as a coach, and he was recently hired in Reno to do the same. Now he can start footing some of his own bills!

I know what you are thinking, “I thought Tazia lived in Reno?” She does, and Tazia and Quinton are actually next door neighbors. I think they are starting to grow out of the tattling on each other stage, but it has taken almost the whole semester. Tazia is one semester away from graduating from UNR. She will finish with a double major in international affairs and communications while having a minor in Chinese studies. While many of you may be thinking that is great, I am wondering where she is going to work next year. If you can answer that, please let me know. She can’t be the ASUN director of programming at UNR forever. Tazia is currently applying to law schools around the country and we will learn in the early spring where Tazia is going to further her education. Tina has her fingers crossed that it is somewhere in the United States and not in China.

I have done absolutely nothing since becoming an empty-nester. I am still the community partnership coordinator at Southwest CTA and just finished my coursework for my endorsement in educational administration. After serving a year as the Nevada ACTE president, I am now the association’s executive director. In my spare time, I am still hiking around the desert with the dog looking for pieces of tupperware, otherwise known as geocaches.

In addition to our normal trips to Reno and Lake Tahoe, Tina and I made a couple of work related trips to Austin, TX and New Orleans, LA. We also managed to get away on our own to a Gone With the Wind themed bed and breakfast outside of Sequoia National Park. Tina really enjoyed driving on the windy roads to and from the national park.

We hoped that you have enjoyed the final installment of the Statucki family letter. Wait, who am I kidding? We all know that if Tazia and Quinton have to mail their own holiday letters next year, they’ll need to ask us for money to buy stamps. For this reason and many others, I am sure the Statucki family letter will be back in fine form….or will it. Stay tuned to find out.

We would all like to wish you a happy holiday and a wonderful new year.

Craig, Tina, Tazia, and Quinton

Christmas Letter 2014

After kindly letting my father write last year’s Christmas letter and since Quinton wanted to start the letter with “What’s up, B$%&#@?!”, it is now my duty to give you your annual dose of Statucki sarcasm and holiday humor.

I’ll mix things up this year and start with talking about dad. This year was a pretty big year for him. According to him, he did nothing. He is currently the President of Nevada ACTE and still hasn’t given me a position on the board. Dad and I have become closer as I spend some of my evenings editing his homework; he has returned to school to get his administrative endorsement. Though he doesn’t like his online classes, I’m sure he will love being able to earn as much money as my mother. In his free time, he still goes cycling and does some geocaching, but he is too busy with schoolwork and his duties as the state president to do it as often as he would like.

Mom has had a busy year of school work and housework. Her job as the Assistant Principal at East Tech and her Executive Leadership course keeps her occupied, but she recently finished her course and received a nice plaque in return for a year of hard work. She has also developed a talent for lip syncing, as she performed Katy Perry’s Roar for hundreds of her students earlier this year. When she isn’t at work, she is at home remodeling the house and Pinteresting away. This year, she redid the flooring, got shutters for the windows, bought a new fridge, redid the backyard patio, and is planning for the next few years worth of remodeling, to my father’s chagrin.

Quinton had a great “F&%$ing” year. After quitting one of the most aggressive sports, lacrosse, Quinton decided he would show off his “sexy-ness” as a male cheerleader. Though he loves his cheer team and hanging out with all the girls, I’m sure my mom’s failed attempt at waxing his chest gave him his doubts. In just a few short months, he has managed to become a NCA All-American Cheerleader nominee and an even bigger danger to the household furniture as he flips around the living room. Quinton, who was also nominated to be the Homecoming King, is in the Interior Design program at Southwest CTA and is in the process of applying to Oklahoma State University, Great Basin College, and the University of Nevada (located in Reno) to study mining engineering. He’ll probably end up in Reno with me, but I don’t mind because our shared apartment will be paid for by our parents.

2014 was a great year for me even though my mom thinks I don’t call her enough. I moved up the ladder and am now the Assistant Director of Programming for the student government and plan events for students to attend. Although I love event planning, there is one thing I love more: China. This summer, I spent 11 weeks studying abroad in China. I improved my Chinese, ate a scorpion, climbed the Great Wall, rode a segway around the 2008 Olympic Stadium, saw the terracotta warriors, and studied at local teahouses. Most of my family and friends are now convinced that I’ll marry a Chinese man, which is probably true. I plan to return to China in the near future, whether it is for graduate school or after I finish law school. I’m undecided as to which path I want to pursue, but I’m confident that you can all come visit my condominium in China in five years. For now, I’ll just enjoy the blue Fremont cannon and my beautiful new 2014 Toyota Rav4.

Unfortunately, the number of family trips this year was very few because of everyone’s busy lives. Quinton went ice fishing for Valentine’s Day and camping for a week in August with one of his best friends, who happens to be a teacher at my mom’s school; we still have the stinky fish in the freezer to prove it. For spring break, he also went on his first college road trip to Elko to tour Great Basin College. Over the summer, Quinton drove a car full of girls to San Diego for their cheer camp. While Quinton was ice fishing, my parents ditched my brother and I to go on their “first-ever, non-work related, children-free” romantic trip to Santa Barbara and the Channel Islands. They also ventured to Lake Tahoe later in the year for their annual NACTE summer conference; that trip was not child free, as Quinton decided to tag along. I missed out on all of summer fun because I was abroad, but now that I’m back I make frequent trips down to Vegas to see my family.

We would all like to wish you a happy holiday and a wonderful new year. In the words of my annoying younger brother, “Catch you on the flipside.”

Tazia, Quinton, Tina, Craig, and the pets.